Plan miasta Den Hauw

Den Hauw - Najnowsze wiadomości:


i morges tog jeg mig selv i at sige "bhauw/b" til en kollega. bden/b s?re fonetiske ordsammentr?kning, der opst?r, n?r man stadig er lidt mandagstr?t og midt i hilse-seancen ikke kan beslutte sig om man vil sige "hej" eller "dav"
źródło: BlogSearch

GeenStijl : Omegle overspoeld door reaguurders

You: bhauw/b old ar joe? Stranger: 14. You: coel, i am twelf. You: my inglish is not ferry goed. Stranger: okay, u from? You: belgium. You: joe? Stranger: finland. You: do joe like shieps? Your conversational partner has disconnected. b....../b You: there is a boy in my school who want to take me to the Prom.. and he has rent an bhotel/b for the night.. I told him I dont want to spend the night with him but he told me it will be ok after some champagne. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

GeenStijl : Omegle overspoeld door reaguurders

You: bhauw/b old ar joe? Stranger: 14. You: coel, i am twelf. You: my inglish is not ferry goed. Stranger: okay, u from? You: belgium. You: joe? Stranger: finland. You: do joe like shieps? Your conversational partner has disconnected. b....../b You: there is a boy in my school who want to take me to the Prom.. and he has rent an bhotel/b for the night.. I told him I dont want to spend the night with him but he told me it will be ok after some champagne. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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